Runs the KMeans algorithm over the input dataset.
from the workload vs. benchmark output
The KMeans workload allows users to optionally capture the results of running KMeans over their input dataset by specifying a file for the workload output.
Whether or not users specify an output file for the workload, the benchmark output will be passed upwards and outputted with the workload suite.
Name | Required | Default | Description |
name | yes | – | “kmeans” |
input | yes | – | the input dataset |
output | no | – | If users wish to capture the actual results of the kmeans algorithm, they can specify an output file here. |
save-mode | no | errorifexists | Options are “errorifexists”, “ignore” (no-op if exists), and “overwrite” |
k | no | 2 | number of clusters |
seed | no | 127L | initial values |
maxiterations | no | 2 | maximum number of times the algorithm should iterate |
name = "kmeans"
input = "/tmp/kmeans-data.parquet"
k = 10
name = "kmeans"
input = "/tmp/kmeans-data.parquet"
k = 10