This guide assumes you have a working installation of Spark 2.x available and that you have access to the system where it is installed.

  1. Grab the .tgz of the latest release from the releases page on Github. Although Github also packages tars and zips of the source code, you only need the file whose name begins with spark-bench. For example, spark-bench_2.1.1_0.2.2-RELEASE_52.tgz

  2. Unpack the file into whatever directory you like and cd into the newly created folder.
    tar -xvzf spark-bench_2.1.1_0.2.2-RELEASE_52.tgz
    cd spark-bench/
  3. Set the environment variable for $SPARK_HOME. Example:
    export SPARK_HOME=/path/to/my/local/install/of/spark/
  4. Set the environment variable for your Spark master. Example:
    export SPARK_MASTER_HOST=local[*]


    export SPARK_MASTER_HOST=yarn

    or whatever is appropriate for your Standalone or Mesos environment.

NOTE: You can also modify the config files in the examples folder to set these variables, but this is the QUICKstart guide so we’re not covering that here 🙂 To read more about that, see our Installation Guide

  1. Run the examples!
    ./bin/ examples/minimal-example.conf